Exposanten Nederlandse Kerstpakkettenbeurs 2025

De Weldaad Authentic Interior

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De Weldaad Authentic Interior was founded in 2001 and is based in Amsterdam. We design and curate handmade decorations that we sell worldwide.

Fair trade:
We collaborate with independent companies, families, social projects, and cooperatives. We see our suppliers as partners, so that we can work together towards mutual success. We stand for transparency and encourage open dialogue and communication. We believe that fair trade offers an opportunity to build a future. It helps companies and their people to develop and creates sustainable employment.

We work with natural and recycled materials with a focus on sustainable production methods. We see the beauty in natural and organic materials. We use the waste left over from other industries, such as cotton from discarded saris, recycled glass, metals, and textiles. Recycling allows us to create new and beautiful products. We let the natural character and texture of the raw materials speak for themselves. We also use recycled packaging materials as much as possible.

We love the individual and unique character of handmade products. The relationship between an artisan and a beautiful handmade piece creates a story, making each product an individually crafted piece (i.e., not a mass-produced item). The traditional skills used by our suppliers have been passed on from generation to generation. We cherish this age-old knowledge and hope to help preserve it.

Bestel je toegangsbewijs voor de Nederlandse Kerstpakkettenbeurs


Openingstijden 2025

Dinsdag 4 februari van 10.00 - 17.00 uur

Woensdag 5 februari van 10.00 - 16.00 uur

Expo Houten
Meidoornkade 24
3992 AE Houten

De Nederlandse Kerstpakkettenbeurs wordt georganiseerd door FairExpo bv


t. +31 (0)30 6666 358
m. +31 (0)6 5152 7072

IBAN: NL60 RABO 0300 8225 53
KvK: 620.893.90
BTW: NL854642626B01